#quaker @ irc.quaker.eu.org stats by jon lad and fran

Statistics generated on Friday 3 May 2024 - 1:42:13
During this 8276-day reporting period, a total of 130 different nicks were represented on #quaker.

Most active times
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23
0-5 = 0-5 6-11 = 6-11 12-17 = 12-17 18-23 = 18-23

Most active nicks
 NickNumber of linesWhen?Number of WordsLast seenRandom quote Userpic
1 sladen1339348067459256 208201339348067459256 158239today"working on the trains Berlin--Hamburg--Stockholm" sladen
2 Riddell913300668447392 18155913300668447392 17098079 days ago"whee" Riddell
3 Helen1483258142010287 134481483142010287 1189651022 days ago"right! sleep time! fingers crossed for the commuting tomorrow (an" Helen
4 nemo85044318564166 731585044318564166 569772738 days ago"JJ paid of some of it, I'd like to fix the rest" nemo
5 ChrisH24423611283142 475024423611283142 357672821 days ago"i think it was "loods-doncaster-ish" ChrisH
6 maco12041799 315714712041799 36477554 days ago"Riddell: I've been pondering a Quaker slack" maco
7 Esther3247571956 30903247571956 3170466 days ago"he says "no, i cant log in"" Esther
8 Mair2576581425 2428882576581425 20959635 days ago"well, we have tethra, where's yan and tan?" Mair
9 jjn440 795183440172 477438 days ago"but you were some tiny city earlier?"
10 Leo290273 62259290273 53342800 days ago"I have a slype call with Miranda coming up about the SG accounts"
11 GDmac391 6213245153391 47393040 days ago"i'm going 16th may return 19th"
12 marianne 274121698148 29701234 days ago"WHAT THE POOPING MOTHERHUMPING HELL."
13 PhatFrog 214148192 10363479 days ago"USA soon to likely be running for prez"
14 uoou 18520165 13412301 days ago"Hah, that's the opposite of my problem (can't leave the house)"
15 fran 178394693 14891719 days ago"Helen doesn't hang around." fran
16 Lynoure 17311211338 16703608 days ago"hi" Lynoure
17 annalee 13610135 15333258 days ago"Say hi to Marci she's right next to me"
18 Worldbeing 10916786 11412185 days ago"Though work is staring at a screen too"
19 tobias 105115539 8902922 days ago"emeyf.quaker.eu.org was also accessible without www"
20 Pete 1037361347 709415 days ago"hola jr"
21 mason 101891 15331159 days ago"And RealTek is the king of horror shows."
22 MikeChelen 915101462 7233295 days ago"florida state is nice when near water like on a beach"
23 SouprCat 8717663 4063531 days ago"or so she says"
24 backdoor 853793 11582775 days ago"I dont think so, but I nerver skate so dont trust me on that :-)"
25 Esther_ 8392646 68584 days ago"this is scary"
26 tethra 7936637 6382315 days ago"they were right, and they remain the morally superior force :/"
27 Vivian 7838733 7953546 days ago"sladen: what does the card tell you?" Vivian
28 aliasd 5944132 4431868 days ago"i wonder how many people use it"
29 sladen-utrecht4 4848 2713125 days ago"until the battery runs out"
30 Helen1 47442 4232925 days ago"but the planning group of the Transition Lincoln group"
31 SamBC 4633346 7172596 days ago"Emails don't seem to be getting sent from it." SamBC
32 PML 462440 4271039 days ago"Howd you guys get into Quakerism?"
33 leovincent 462520 3522823 days ago"hello Paul"
34 sladen-utrecht3 3939 2553125 days ago"but I don't know if it'll work"
35 covbob 3961428 16758 days ago"I missed it but made it to the after party"
36 CGI617 3535 2412445 days ago"back - the things one does for a cup of tea"
37 tamakotsi 35530 4113830 days ago"does jussi (or other finns) ever come here on the channel?"
38 Alex 34133 1993168 days ago"Does GeorgeFox still like pizza?" Alex
39 MairAW 3131 3682464 days ago"we already know, it will find http"
40 sladen-utrecht 2626 2183125 days ago"but oh well, nobody seems to be here"
41 Tim 261214 2333116 days ago"The development of pacifism in Quakerism between 1650 and 1670"
42 Mair|Singapore 2626 2293827 days ago"been to butterfly garden, what now"
43 matteo__ 2525 951127 days ago"you been here 20 years sladen?"
44 DanQ 2424 2613787 days ago"Yeah, I didn't think so. Hence the winkie. ;-)"
45 blackbird 248610 1153631 days ago"oh. Finding.. nemo. I need coffee..."
46 Matteo 2222 821127 days ago"i joined a while back but never saw anyone around :("
47 Diego 17161 143725 days ago"Okay, but are you Quakers?"
48 sladen-utrecht2 1616 1233125 days ago"moooo"
49 stone 1515 623358 days ago"Honestly, I'm the latter one."
50 arne 14347 79911 days ago"all that passport problems pff"

These didn't make it to the top:
heyamol (12) Miriam (11) sylvanica (11) sladen-utrecht5 (11) marianne1 (10)
Rododendron (10) hanning_ (9) m (9) lalbornoz (9) me (7)
kess (7) Paul (7) Billy (6) marianne` (6) CGI584 (5)
EFknockr (5) sleepyhead (5) CGI576 (5) dmj (4) MikeChelen1 (4)
simon (3) Billy_No_Mates (3) Godzilla (3) CGI927 (3) back (3)
PML86 (3) CGI934 (3) Stefan_DE (3) jsladen (3) tobias_ (3)
Allan (3) chris-test (2) CGI336 (2) og (2) CGI467 (2)
CGI648 (2) aliquis (2) marianne2 (2) Jay (2) scrtquaker (2)
Stefan_DE_afk (2) f4k0ll (2) backdoor_ (1) CGI738 (1) AllanS (1)
SirEmperorMrNemo (1) Pete|Work (1) Ridddell (1) textforpizza (1) dataflow (1)
CGI319 (1) UnFleshedOne (1) vaidhy (1) jpistell (1) hanning__ (1)
everyone (1) Mutter (1) TulliusCicero (1) Helen_clean (1) RobHu (1)
Confrim (1) CGI477 (1) neemooo (1) Tigran (1) CJ (1)
leezer3 (1) nemo_testing (1) JSladen2 (1) npunt (1) SubZ3ro (1)
Henry (1) CGI409 (1) CGI804 (1) Cedric (1) cinders (1)
Mutter_ (1) covbob1 (1) aya (1) sladen-testing (1) nima (1)

Most active nicks by hours
  0-5 6-11 12-17 18-23
1 Helen - 1483 sladen - 3480 Riddell - 6844 Helen - 10287
2 sladen - 1339 Riddell - 3006 sladen - 6745 sladen - 9256
3 Riddell - 913 nemo - 443 nemo - 1856 Riddell - 7392
4 nemo - 850 Esther - 324 Helen - 1420 nemo - 4166
5 ChrisH - 244 Helen - 258 maco - 1204 ChrisH - 3142
6 maco - 147 Mair - 257 ChrisH - 1128 Esther - 1956
7 Mair - 88 ChrisH - 236 Esther - 757 maco - 1799
8 Esther - 53 jjn - 183 Mair - 658 Mair - 1425
9 fran - 39 Leo - 59 jjn - 440 GDmac - 391
10 tethra - 36 GDmac - 45 Leo - 290 Leo - 273

Big numbers
Is jjn stupid or just asking too many questions? 36.1% lines contained a question!
Riddell didn't know that much either. 20.9% of his lines were questions.
The loudest one was Helen, who yelled 24.9% of the time!
Another old yeller was Leo, who shouted 22.1% of the time!
It seems that marianne's shift-key is hanging: 1.0% of the time he/she wrote UPPERCASE.
For example, like this:
     <marianne> NG7

Leo just forgot to deactivate his/her Caps-Lock. He/She wrote UPPERCASE 0.8% of the time.
Helen is a very aggressive person. She attacked others 1 times.
For example, like this:
     * Helen slaps riddell
Poor Riddell, nobody likes him. He was attacked 1 times.
For example, like this:
     * Helen slaps riddell
Lynoure brings happiness to the world. 16.1% lines contained smiling faces. :)
marianne isn't a sad person either, smiling 14.5% of the time.
ChrisH seems to be sad at the moment: 1.8% lines contained sad faces. :(
marianne is also a sad person, crying 1.4% of the time.
maco wrote the longest lines, averaging 64.2 letters per line.
#quaker average was 46.9 letters per line.
PhatFrog wrote the shortest lines, averaging 23.5 characters per line.
jjn was tight-lipped, too, averaging 30.1 characters.
Riddell spoke a total of 170980 words!
Riddell's faithful follower, sladen, didn't speak so much: 158239 words.
RobHu wrote an average of 35.00 words per line.
Channel average was 8.58 words per line.

Users with most nicknames
 Nick Names Used
1 nemo (7 names) nimo, rain, nemo, nemo_, Nomikos, nemoo, nimu
2 Riddell (5 names) Riddell_, jr_, jr, Riddelll, Riddell
3 Helen (4 names) Helen_afk, Helen_away, Helen, Clean_Helen
4 covbob (4 names) covbob, covbob|work, covbob_, covbed
5 sladen (3 names) sladen_, sladen, sladenphone

Most active gender
 GenderNumber of linesNick
1 Male 335672111666124023 51251 sladen (20820), Riddell (18155), nemo (7315), ChrisH (4750), Vivian (78), SamBC (46), covbob (39), Alex (34), Paul (7), simon (3), ...
2 Female 1821867421815568 22474 Helen (13448), maco (3157), Esther (3090), Mair (2428), fran (178), Lynoure (173)

Most used words
 Word Number of Uses Last Used by
1 about 997 Riddell
2 there 834 Esther
3 think 626 Esther
4 people 579 Esther
5 should 302 Esther
6 would 281 Esther
7 which 258 Esther
8 going 212 maco
9 still 170 jjn
10 quaker 160 sladen

Most referenced nicks
 Nick Number of Uses Last Used by
1 sladen 1422 Riddell
2 me 1236 lalbornoz
3 nemo 651 sladen
4 maco 230 sladen
5 back 208 jjn

#quaker karma
 Nick Karma Good karma by Bad karma by
1 2019 1 sladen
2 stackoverflow 1 nemo
3 piano+baby 1 sladen
1 --mark -1 Riddell

Most referenced URLs
 URL Number of Uses Last Used by
1 http://www.irc.quaker.eu.org/stats/ 8 sladen
2 http://www.irc.quaker.eu.org 8 Riddell
3 http://emeyf.quaker.eu.org/ 6 Riddell
4 http://lists.quaker.eu.org/ 4 Riddell
5 http://www.blitzortung.org/Webpages/index.php?lang=en&page_0 4 sladen
6 http://www.nu.nl/weer/ 3 sladen
7 https://secure.mech.cx/images/area_61/18.paint_it_wh%5EH%5EH 3 sladen
8 http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1071804/ 3 nemo
9 http://www.rentalia.com/124942 3 Riddell
10 3 nemo

Other interesting numbers
Riddell wasn't very popular, getting kicked 2 times!
For example, like this:
     *** Riddell was kicked by GeorgeFox (flood)
Nice opers here, no one got kicked!
sladen donated 6 ops in the channel...
Riddell is the channel sheriff with 4 deops.
sladen deoped 3 users.
sladen always lets us know what he's doing: 407 actions!
For example, like this:
     * sladen starts the 5 minute wait for the page to load\

Also, nemo tells us what's up with 345 actions.
sladen talks to himself a lot. He wrote over 5 lines in a row 346 times!
Another lonely one was Riddell, who managed to hit 170 times.
Esther couldn't decide whether to stay or go. 10374 joins during this reporting period!
maco has quite a potty mouth. 0.0% words were foul language.
For example, like this:
     <maco> Riddell: because its a piece of shit?

jjn also makes sailors blush, 0.0% of the time.
Total number of lines: 212571.

Stats generated by pisg v0.65
pisg by Morten Brix Pedersen and others
Stats generated in 00 hours 00 minutes and 12 seconds